
Solar Panel Bird Proofing – Waverley

Want to safeguard your solar panels with high-quality bird netting? Waverley residents can trust Bird Proof Solar for safe and effective bird proofing solutions.

Our solar panel bird proofing products are the ideal way to keep pesky birds away from your solar panels. Designed to protect your panels by preventing pigeons and other birds from nesting in the area beneath, bird deterrents and mesh netting ensure your solar panels continue to operate at maximum efficiency. Birds nesting around solar panels create a huge mess, and they can cause irreparable damage and even health issues to people residing in the property. Protect wiring systems, solar panels, and your roof with our affordable bird deterrents. Waverley locals can get a quote online now or call our team today on 0455 476 555.

What Damage Can Birds Do to Your Solar Panels?

More Australian homes are choosing sustainable energy alternatives, such as solar and it’s easy to see why. Solar systems provide clean, reliable power, and offer significant cost-savings. However, pigeons and birds can easily destroy your investment without the right preventative measures. Birds roosting around your panels can:

Decrease their efficiency and performance – Droppings, and nest debris that build-up on your panels will impact on their ability to effectively generate energy. This decreases performance, meaning you won’t be getting the most out of your investment.

Damage the surface of the panels, and the internal wiring – Bird droppings are highly corrosive and can cause permanent damage to both the exterior and interior components of your solar panels, ultimately ruining your system.

Create a huge mess – Their feathers and nesting materials can create a fire hazard, as well as clog your gutters and cause water leaks that can seep into the roof cavity and insulation.

Attract other pests – Pigeons can attract lice, fleas, rodents, and other disease-ridden pests to your home or building.

Our simple bird proofing solutions will protect your solar system from bird damage. Utilising a variety of options including stainless steel mesh bird netting, sprays, and bird spikes, Waverley home and business owners can trust us for fast and affordable service.

Protect Your Panels from Pigeons Today

Have you been searching for effective bird control? Melbourne’s Bird Proof Solar is your leading choice. We will tailor a plan to suit the needs of your home or commercial building. Being proactive about bird proofing will ensure you can continue to reap the rewards of your decision to install solar.  We can also help with solar panel cleaning to keep your panels free from dirt, dust, and grime that might be impacting performance.

If you would like a quote for bird proofing, solar panel cleaning or bird trapping, Waverley residents should contact us on 0455 476 555 or get quote online now.

Contact Us

If you can provide us your address, we can take a look on google maps, this will help us to give you a quote. If you can also let us know how many panels you have and if you currently have birds nesting under there, that would help us a lot.
Phone Number
Please note how many panels you have and if you currently have birds nesting under there.